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    08/29/2013 - performancesupportpartners 329 Comments
    Work is for Joy

    I grew up with the idea that you go to school, study, get good grades, and you get a good job, and go to work from 8 to 5.  This is a framework that I adopted from my environment – which included my parents, my family, my school, my friends, and my culture in general.

    Work was something that you did, but play was for after work.  Work, by definition, was something you didn’t necessarily love, but was accepted as part of life unless you won the lottery or inherited lots of money.  It was great if you could love your work, but, that wasn’t really expected.  And, you worked hard all of your life and put away money so you could have a heyday when you retired at 65.

    This belief came from the society I grew up in, the schools that I attended and my family.  I adopted it – rather unconsciously.  The only way to earn income was to pimp your knowledge and skills by becoming employed.  Which was fine, except when it felt like your soul was being sucked out or your unique contributions and creativity were being squashed into this little box.

    Thomas Leonard, considered the father of coaching, teaches a concept called frameworks.  One of the frameworks is "Work is For Joy."  For me, this is an intriguing and attractive idea.  It is "outside of the box" of my existing framework.  The idea that your greatest gift to the world was an extension of what came easily to you, was uniquely you, was fun for you, and used your greatest talents every day was invigorating.  "Work" instead of a drudgery, was your unique contribution to the world – a contribution that the world needs.

    This is a real shift for many people – adopting the idea that Work Is For Joy.  They can’t imagine what it could be like – which is precisely why they may not achieve it.

    The 8 to 5 working concept is a comfortable concept – like ‘the devil you know.’ It means life is ‘on hold’ until the weekend, or until you retire, when you finally start living and enjoying life.

    I grew up with a belief that this concept provides security.  Quitting a job that paid well, even if it crushed your soul, was not the smart responsible thing to do.  Pursuing your own dream, your own joy, was okay as long as you did the safe thing, the responsible thing, and still held your life sucking secure job.

    I challenge that belief. You should too.  So does Timothy Ferris.  He is the author of the book "The Four Hour Work Week."  He encourages a concept called ‘mini retirements.’ Like all people who challenge beliefs, some people might read his book and call it ‘heresy.’  I say, be a heretic!  So does Seth Godin in his book "Tribes."

    To quote Seth Godin"Heretics are the new leaders, the ones who challenge the status quo. Who get out in front of their tribes, who create movements. The marketplace now rewards and embraces the heretics … and for the first time it’s profitable, powerful, and productive. This shift might be bigger than you think. Suddenly, heretics, troublemakers and change agents aren’t merely thorns in our side they are the keys to our success."

    Try this idea on for size.  Wear it for a while, see how it fits.  Is your life on hold until retirement?

    Life is a journey – in the present moment. The nature of a journey is that each juicy moment is to be lived to the fullest.  For example, you wouldn’t plan a vacation, but decide before leaving that you might as well not go just so you can return sooner. That is silliness.  The whole point of the vacation is to enjoy the journey.  Can you transfer this concept to the work area of your life?

    Questions for thought:

    What are your frameworks and beliefs around work and life?

    • What did your parents teach you about school, and about work?
    • What did society teach you about school and about work?
    • What are your beliefs around security?
    • What are your beliefs around the concept "Work is for Joy?"
    • Are you moving away from what you don’t want (i.e. lack of security– or are you moving toward what you do want (i.e. your dream of pursuing work that you love)?

    How would your life change if you lived the framework, Work is for Joy?

    "It isn’t work, it is just long hours of fun." – Sam Waterson, Actor, speaking on his work playing a District Attorney on Law and Order.


    Mia Turpel is life, career and business coach.  She takes you from stressed out to STREAMLINED in your life, career or business so that you can spend more time on the things you love.  Interested in more?  Be sure to sign up for STREAMLINED ezine for news and information on these topics and more!  Interested in coaching? Click here to sign up for a complimentary 30 exploratory session – you will be sure to go away with insights about your big game in life.

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  • 07/25/2013 - performancesupportpartners 0 Comments
    Do or Do Not – There Is No Try – Mastering Your Success Mindset

    I love Star Wars.  Not only for the story, but for the ideas about beliefs and mindsets.  One of my favorite scenes was when Yoda was coaching Luke in the use of The Force in the swamp.  While levitating rocks and other exercises, the X Wing fighter sinks into the bog causing Luke to become distracted, dropping the rocks and Yoda abruptly onto the ground. The scene went as follows:

    Luke Skywalker: "We will never get it out now."

    Yoda: Yoda: "So certain are you?    Always with you, it cannot be done.  Hear you nothing that I say?"

    Luke Skywalker: "Master, Moving stones around is one thing, this is totally different!"

    Yoda: "No!  No different!  Only different in your mind.  You must Unlearn what you have learned."

    Luke Skywalker: "Alright, I’ll give it a try."

    Yoda: "NO! Try not!  Do!  Or do not.  There is no try."

    Part of mastering a success mindset is to have awareness of your beliefs.  Sometimes this can be difficult to ascertain on your own.  A coach is trained to help you become aware of your own beliefs – whether they are supporting or hampering your progress toward your goals.  Greater awareness usually leads to better decisions.

    I think that Yoda was a master coach.  What belief did he uncover that Luke Skywalker had about his own ability to use the force?

    He uncovered Luke’s belief that his ability to successfully use The Force to move objects was related to their size.  Hence, he believed that the size of the X Wing fighter was too great a match for his current mastery of The Force to extract it from the bog.  Therefore, because he believed it, it become true for him.

    This also reminds me of a book by Richard Bach –  Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.  In the book, one of the messages was "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours."  What limitations was Luke arguing for?  Yoda pointed out that the difference between moving stones and moving something bigger was only in his mind.  Yoda wanted him to choose a new belief…one that supported his goal of mastery.

    Luke says something that I have heard many times before (including from myself!), "Alright, I’ll give it a try."  Pay attention to this language.  What is Luke committed to?  What is the language of commitment: "I’ll Try" or "I will do it"?    When you say "I’ll try," what do you really mean?  Yoda points this out when he says "NO! Try not! Do! Or do not.  There is no try."

    Luke makes a failed attempt at raising the X-Wing fighter out of the bog.  "I can’t! It’s too big" he says exhausted.  Yoda gives him a pep talk.  Luke says "You want the impossible."  Then, as a demonstration to Luke, Yoda successfully raises the X Wing fighter out of the bog, to Luke’s utter amazement.

    Luke Skywalker:  "I don’t believe it!"

    Yoda: "That is why you failed."

    Ah ha!  There’s that belief again.  Yoda makes Luke aware that the very reason he failed was because he didn’t believe it could be done.

    What do you believe cannot be done?  Think about your own life, career and business goals.  What limitations are you arguing for?  Could it be that you don’t have time?  You don’t have the right degree?  You don’t have enough money?  What is it?

    Is there something you want to do, but haven’t, in your life career or business?  What kind of belief do you have that is hindering your movement towards what you want?  How will you examine these beliefs?

    The more awareness you have about what you want in life and the intertwined beliefs that are supporting you or limiting you, the faster the path toward them is cleared. A coach can help you reach those ‘ah ha’ moments that shine light on the path to your next best step, and in mastering your success mindset!

    Mia Turpel is life, career and business coach.  She takes you from stressed out to STREAMLINED in your life, career or business so that you can spend more time on the things you love.  Interested in more?  Be sure to sign up for STREAMLINED ezine for news and information on these topics and more!  Interested in coaching? Click here to sign up for a complimentary 30 exploratory session – you will be sure to go away with insights about your big game in life.

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“I just completed a 10 session Strengths Strategies coaching process with Mia Turpel.  I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but after the first session I learned about my top 5 strengths.  It was so interesting to put a ‘name’ on the way I viewed the world and how that showed up to others.  The insights I received about how I was overusing my communication strengths led to my new mantra “speak less, say more”.  This not only helped me better serve my clients, it helped me communicate better with my husband and my horse!  There are too many other insights to list them all, but I want to make sure that others know how valuable this coaching has been to me!  I highly recommend Mia’s coaching to others who want more self-awareness and confidence in utilizing their strengths!.”

 Beth Romano
Unlimited Potential
Colorado Springs, CO

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